It’s been a hectic few weeks for me. But I wanted to continue the discussion on Spiritual Lethargy. In the first post I stated "The world purposely fights the teaching of God in order to release itself from His submission. Like Satan, the world wants to be its own God." If you do not believe that then read some of the comments that are posted to Christian News articles. Yesterday it was announced that a group of Chinese explorers discovered Noah's Ark on the side of Mt Ararat. Only time will tell if it is indeed true. But flood story aside, the flurry of comments trying to debunk the idea of a Literal Ark that saved Noah, his three sons, and their wives from the Great Flood are almost comical. But in reality they are very sad and pitiable. The lack of understanding about the Ark story in the scripture is very prevalent; which indeed underscores the writing of this article. Sure, we know we have an enemy on the dark side that is going to try his best to trip up God's ...
...Only God's Truth Can Set You Free!!
Michael Henderson, Pastor/Writer