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Showing posts from February, 2011

Broken Before the Lord...

How many times have we been broken before the Lord? And how many more times will we? I was thinking tonight about brokenness and what it really means. I have often heard that a person must be broken by God before they will come to know Jesus. But I have really found that in my life I can never really feel broken unless I first feel insufficient. A man can be brought into poverty in many ways and still not feel broken. The pride in a man’s heart is a mighty fortress that dares any to try and crush it. Pharaoh was one such man. He was brought to that place where a man can see his sheer poverty before the Lord yet as far as any knows, he died an unbroken man. Many a man and woman have lived a life of bold defiance before the face of God and never flinched despite their utter poverty. Yes, there is more to being broken before God than simply being brought low. If I were given the opportunity before the world to describe in one word what being broken before God really is, I think it woul...

Another Way to Shine! Being An Effective Spiritual Leader

All of us could be better spiritual leaders. The Bible has some good things to say about husbands and wives. I am sure you are well aware of the "wives submit yourselves to your husbands" verse. It has been taken way out of context so many times.  Here is the passage:   Eph 5:22-33, 22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who love...


This is the phrase that I have decided best describes the nature of a believer who is truly "shining" for Christ! Because of that I have adopted it as the slogan on the materials I will use to promote the gospel. The second birth has become a hot topic in my conversations as of late. It has come up several times in conversation, many not quite understanding that it is God who has given us our physical birth which in turn automatically qualifies us to be eligible for His second birth. No it's not a contest, it is simply a love invitation from God Himself. How many believers have you come in contact with lately that have no clue about a Godly design that has been laid out every man, woman, an child? What about you? Have you thought much about the topic "Created Purpose?" It is simply God's design for your life. He as the Great Architect of the universe, through Christ, entered into the realm of humanity and touched our lives. He became "like us, the He m...

God's Calling(s)

I just wanted to share a little of my heart and to pass on to any who reads the book that I am hoping it speaks to your heart. I felt inspired more than almost anything God has asked of me to write it. I did not do it for selfish means or for vanity but to try and get out a message of the pattern of redemption that flows through the scripture and its underpinnings. God has always had the good of His creation in mind and His work in redemption underscores it. He was always working to keep the truth of salvation pure, unblemished, and untainted. Those whom He called from the beginning were strong in their faith and even though many would not listen to the pleadings of those who believed (vis. the flood) those who did were blessed and because of it their faith was unshakable. Those who were pretenders God Judged. His way of redemption was to stay pure and the Thread of Redemption declared in the book shows how He worked to keep it that way. In many ways we are the same. God...

Quick update

The marketing department will soon be finishing up their work to begin promoting the message of Truth taught from Scripture in this book.  I am excited and I ask for any who will to pray for me. The Lord's grace has been good to us all and a truthful proclamation of the Scripture is what is necessary to see the vibrant working of God unfold in your life.  Here are a few simple principles to hold on too. (All of them Scriptural) 1) Stay faithful to the truth. 2) Trust the Lord when others will not. 3) Do not question the Lords call in your life. 4) Be faithful in obedience. 5) Let your light, His light, shine into the paths of others that they too may have the ability to respond to His precious work. God is always at work around us and in the faithful. He is structuring events around us that only make sense in the true working out of His will. I cannot stress enough the Christocentric work that God wants to accomplish in us. The second birth is only the beginning of a life th...