Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ in Crimea and the Ukraine, Should you get a chance to read this post, please share with all of your Christian friends that Christians from all over the USA are praying for you at this very moment. We know that many are fearful everyday, especially those with children. I wanted to share that Jesus knows exactly what is going on and that there is much strength in numbers (Ec. 4:12). The Bible is very clear that your part of the world will be involved in great conflict in the last days. Crimea, which also was part of ancient Gomer, (see Map - Gomer also spread northward through Ukraine and into Germany) has now passed back into the hands of Russia. Ezekiel 38-39 clearly reveals Gomer as being one of the Russian allies in the upcoming attack on Israel by Russia. (see Russian Invasion-Crimea Ezekiel 38-39 ) God will turn and crush His enemies in that battle as He hallows His name to the world. Much has been written about this event so I will no...
...Only God's Truth Can Set You Free!!
Michael Henderson, Pastor/Writer