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Showing posts from March, 2011

Wickedness is Rampant But the Lord is Coming Soon!

What! That could never happen where I am from! Really? Satan the arch enemy of God and of all true believers is still at work attacking and destroying the lives of innocent victims around the world. The victims can be found in both those who are hurt and those who do the hurting. Like most of you, I am sickened by the things I often see in the news, rapes, tortures, hunger, and murder around the world and our nation. In the days before mass communication these things occurred but we never heard of it unless it came locally. But with the rise of the "www" world we hear and we see it all. One way around it is to tune it out or never take the time to read or listen to the news. But even still, the destruction lives on, uncurtailed. We live a sick, sick world. The last breath of life is "on the inhale" before Christ returns and the enemy is bound and determined to take as many down with him as is possible. Oh, what we would give, to see a great outpouring of God agains...

God Is Faithful

1 It is good to give thanks to the LORD,          And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;   2 To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning,          And Your faithfulness every night, (Ps. 92:1-2). Faithfulness means to give praise to God when the heavens are as steel and the words do not roll easy from the tongue. We all have these days and find it very hard to bow down before the Lord. But for a moment, maybe we should consider if the shoes were on the other foot. How does God feel when He does not hear from us? How does He respond? 22 Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed,       Because His compassions fail not.        23 They are new every morning;       Great is Your faithfulness. (Lam. 3:22-23) Simple enough, His mercies are new every morning. Today I will give ...

Responsible Discipleship

Today I saw in action something I have given a lot of thought and prayer to in the last few years; that being, the blindness that many believers are suffering from. I was looking over some books today in the Christian Bookstore when I was approached by another patron. We got into a discussion on the teachings of the Bible and how few there are who really hold strongly to the foundational truths that it contains. His position was that most did and mine was that most did not. I said, 81% of "Born Again's" do not.  I referred to a poll from the Barna Group at Barna Poll on Biblical Worldview to back up my statement.  His response was twofold. 1) The poll is incorrect 2) "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" In answer to the first response I would say Pollsters like Barna, have pretty good success rates. This one in particular has a + or - 3.5% error rate. That said, we still have a problem. To the second response, I say, that's a...

A Modern Day Story of Faith

Considering the shape the world is in and the church’s message being rejected so often in the United States, I began to  ponder the statement of Jesus from Luke 18:8, “Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” We hear all about the courageous stands of those being persecuted overseas and even the miracles of God, but where are they here in the good ole USA?  Are you standing for Jesus or are you by-standing for Jesus?   A while back I was working as a press operator in printing firm in Boulder Co. For months I had shared my faith with my co-workers during breaks and such. One day when I arrived for work I noticed that the person on day-shift had setup a job on my press for Playboy magazine! I was taken back. The first thing that came to my mind was, “Why me, Lord?" "What am I going to do?" Then I quickly thought of all those on the shift I had witnessed and expressed my faith to, which was practically speaking, the who...

Those Who AreWise Will Shine! Full length Study Guide coming soon!

I am in the process of writing a full-length study guide to assist in reading my book. There is so much to learn in the book that I have felt a strong conviction to get this completed soon! One of the things that I have felt strongly compelled to do was underline Redemption as the main focus with an underlying focus on the basis for Pre-millennialism. If you have ever struggled to teach someone why you are a pre-millennialist then you can gain a very solid foundation through reading the book. The second coming of Christ draws ever near and we have precious little time to get the Lord's Word out. Understanding why you believe what you do is very important. This book is a great place to start! Colossians 4:6 (New King James Version) Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. God Bless!