Is today's 21st century church slacking when it comes to Matthew 28:19 and Jesus' command to "make disciples?" In having conversations with many different people from many different church assemblies over the past year I have gathered that the majority are just content with Jesus just being Savior. A cursory examination with results gleaned from these many conversations has revealed that many are simply content to spend 1 hour or so with God, usually on a Sunday morning, as long as no other activity takes precedence. I thought to myself, how can they do that? How can this be? Just one hour with God and that was enough to carry them? Was I missing something? A little further conversation however, revealed fruit commensurate with their confession; for their lives did not look much different than those I have conversed with who do not profess a relationship to Christ. Sure, their language was not as bad and they seemed a little more family oriented but having a ze...
...Only God's Truth Can Set You Free!!
Michael Henderson, Pastor/Writer