“Let none that wait on Thee be ashamed.” ( Psalm 25:3 ) Humans are an anxious people by nature and when we become Christians not all things immediately drop away. We always carry over from the old life some of the habits we had formed. These are the things God strips away through the Sanctification* process that is at work in all believers. In the old life we learned that if you wanted anything you worked hard and went after it. But in the “New Creation” life things are quite different ( 2 Cor. 5:17 ). When it comes to Spiritual matters, we are not the captains of our destinies. The things we often need, in our own power, are often out of reach, so God bids us to seek Him. That’s not a problem except when we find ourselves needing to wait. That’s when our impatience kicks in and we can get frustrated. But the Scripture is quite clear concerning the walk of the faithful, we are not our own work, we are His (Christ’s) Heb. 13:20-21 ; Phil. 1:6 . So when we seek a
...Only God's Truth Can Set You Free!!
Michael Henderson, Pastor/Writer