One Way Jesus!! The time for Christian evangelism is short. The Lords soon return is near. To many those words are tough and will prompt many to mock, and even scorn, but no one can deny that with every season come changes. Within Christianity things are no different. We are witnessing the falling away of traditional Biblical Christianity into the swampy areas of political correctness that syncretize, and even wed in many cases, the ways of the world and its multitudinous false religions with their religious assemblies—an event foretold in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 that would preceed the return of Christ. God’s word has been twisted or ignored in the name of “getting along” and "keeping the peace." We see this in the unequally yoking of modern ecumenical movements, and even the alliance of Muslims with evangelicals (used loosely), for the sake of better understanding each other. It is true that the Bible teaches we should live in peace with one another: If i...
...Only God's Truth Can Set You Free!!
Michael Henderson, Pastor/Writer