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Showing posts from August, 2012

Ten Tasks of the Church: Task one-Assembling

In this series I will discuss from a high level some of the tasks of the Church. Obviously many books have been written concerning this topic, however, collectively, I think Church awareness, effectiveness and apathy are necessary and important reasons to bring these back to the forefront. Now more than ever it is important that we, the Church, do not become desensitized or apathetic toward passionately living out even the least of these Christ ordered tasks. The effectiveness of the Church as it now stands, its future eternal capacity and its necessary stance against the powers of darkness faced on a daily basis demand that we be strong in all of them, remembering that it is Christ who is the Head and to whom we, as the body, are accountable and it is the living risen Christ which we serve. In this series we will discuss ten of the tasks delegated to us for the carrying out Christ’s work on earth. Assembling Fellowship Evangelism Discipleship Teaching Baptism Continual Awarenes...

A Message For Those Left Behind

Christian's for centuries have been waiting for the Lord to return according to His word and promise. That time is near. It it so near that it may have occurred while you were reading the post. God has an appointed time when He will whisk away into the glories of Heaven all those who choose to believe that Jesus is indeed the Savior of the World. We do not know the time but only that it is imminent. Millions of believers worldwide are going to suddenly vanish form this earth to be taken to be with Christ in heaven. The passages below give us a greater glimpse into that event: For clarity and ease of reading I have kept the book, chapter, and verse number. John 14:1  "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. John 14:2  In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:3  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; tha...

Growing, Believing, Obeying and Maturing In Christ

While we await the Blessed Hope and the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the blessed in God, Apostle Paul , left us an example of how we are to live our lives. He states, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, Philippians 3:14. This “Pressing on” by necessity involves maturing in our faith. It is especially important yet sometimes a hard thing for a new believer to grasp this concept, so I often just tell them to find a local Bible believing church, attend faithfully and by all means start a Bible reading program where they can begin to learn as much about Christ as the Lord will allow; after all, it is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility to mature, lead, guide and teach us the things that glorify God and emanate from His throne, John 14:26. That said, it does not give the church a license to skulk away from our responsibility to pray, point and lead them in the right direction. We must be ever vigilant in our own mat...