St. Luke being hung Throughout the ages the Bible has always withstood any ravages against it and Christians have always upheld it for good reason. Through it we learn about God and our eternal destiny. It teaches us, leads us, and through the presence of the Holy Spirit, illuminates us to its truths, while simultaneously, transforming us from one glory (the old man) into another glory (the new man). In it we find hope, comfort, healing, and joy. But not all people share our joy and adoration of the Lord and His word. Today, in America, Christians stand as a people that many believe will be silenced because of our convictions. Vice President Joe Biden is just one of the latest voices to bring such a charge. According to, the VP, with reference to Dr. Ben Carson, not only took the name of the Lord in vain (showing his uncouth behavior -- for from the heart the mouth speaks) but he went on to slam Christians as a shrinking population implying our voice i...
...Only God's Truth Can Set You Free!!
Michael Henderson, Pastor/Writer