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Showing posts from January, 2013

"Press On" Men's Retreat

This coming weekend is chock full of fun and ministry. Inviting all MEN from the Springfield Illinois area who desire a deeper walk with God to attend the "Press On" Men's retreat. We also invite all families to the "Family Fun Night" on the Sat. 26th. (Details for both follow)   A special message for Men. Are you ready to become what God created you to be??? Listen, it is high time we men everywhere start becoming men . The call to Courag eo us living has come. Wi v es and children everywhere are looking for the Man in you! They need someone to physically lean on, to share strength, and to model masculinity in a biblical set ting. Where are you? What is holding you back?     And he said, "O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!" So when he spoke to me I was strengthened, and said, "Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me,..." --Daniel 10:19 (NKJV)     The fo llowing is the offi...

Worship God loves!

The Bible is full of a richness that never fails to capture the imagination and fill up our minds with pure wisdom. It is fascinating! Many, even many aged Christians, wonder why some Christians can be so thrilled with the richness of Scripture. Could it be a lack of Bible Study themselves? Could it be that they are satisfied with a weekly service and nothing more? A love for the Scripture can only be realized when one decides to apply themselves to know more - better everything they can know - of Jehovah the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit who guides and illuminates us. Knowing a little is helpful but can leave your vision of Him skewed and your relationship humdrum. But to know Him deeper each day is to soar like an eagle and alight upon the golden meadows of bounty. For instance there was a time before the Northern Kingdom of Israel had fully been scattered to the nations that they were given a chance to know more about the goodness of God and how in turning to...