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Showing posts from April, 2014

The Passing Over of Sin in Christ

In many parts of the world springtime will arrive with its flowers and green foliage at the same time as the celebration of the Jewish Passover and the Christian Resurrection Sunday (Easter). The Jewish faithful remember that time when the Lord passed over the homes of Jewish families in Egypt that had marked the doorposts of their homes with the Blood of a Lamb in obedience to Moses' directives, (Ex. 12:21-24). Christians celebrate this date as seeing Jesus as the fulfillment of the Passover Lamb. When John the Baptist first saw Jesus approaching (John 1: 29-31, and the next day, John 1:36) he immediately proclaimed Jesus to be "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." The great Apostle Paul also referred to Jesus in this context as, "Christ our Passover, was sacrificed for us," (1 Cor. 5:7). In context, God the Father had sent His Son preparing Him from conception to be the final sacrifice the world would ever need. In the book of Hebrew...

Losing Spiritual Freedom, When Friends Control You

When Friends and skeptics control our decision making processes we betray ourselves by showing our weaknesses and they know it. We are no more than a Lemming at that point; to weak to make decisions on our own! So let me ask, who or what is it that controls your skepticism when it comes to the Bible and believing in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior? A new survey shows that 19% of the population of America are skeptics of the Bible. According to the survey this percentage is equal to the number of Americans who are very active in reading the Bible. The survey breaks the skeptical 19% down the following way: Digging into the population segmentation of Bible skeptics, we find that two-thirds are 48 or younger (28% Millennials, 36% Gen-Xers), and they are twice as likely to be male (68%) than female (32%). They are more likely to identify as Catholic than any other single denomination or affiliation (30%) and are the most-likely segment not to have attended church (87%) or pray...