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Showing posts from March, 2020

Global Panic, the Rapture of the Church, and the Coming Antichrist...Some Thoughts.

  Global Panic - dreamstime image Up front I want to say that I do not believe that we can know the exact day or hour when the Lord will call (rapture) His church to heaven (but we can know the season in which it will occur, (1 Th 5:1-10), and it is soon. Please be aware the things written in this post have to do with the panic and upheaval of current life in light of the Coronavirus Pandemic spreading across the world. Adding to that, we must also realize that the worst of this pandemic may soon pass allowing life to return to a semblance of normal...maybe. Now, concerning the coming Antichrist, it must be said that future and specific prophetic events in the Bible do point to a time when the world will one day turn their attention and allegiances toward a global leader. In order for that to happen, "something" or "some things" must occur that place the world under or within a dire situation that calls for a leader to rise with answers. The Bible refers