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Showing posts from 2024

Remain in God's Word

God'd Word is a lamp unto our feet... Remaining in God's Word... Excerpt from "Those Who are Wise Will Shine"   Remain in God’s Word God knew what would happen to society if they left Him out. You will find it a topic in the Redemptive Thread. He knew if we lived by our own rules and walked in our wisdom we would destroy ourselves. Isaiah the prophet decried in warning to all who desire self-sufficiency in the following manner:   Look, all you who kindle a fire, Who encircle yourselves with sparks: Walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks you have kindled— This you shall have from My hand: You shall lie down in torment. (Is. 50:11)    Until the Lord returns at the end of the age, the message is still the same. Walking in the light of our own presumptions will only lead us to destruction. Thankfully, God has not left us without solid direction. The light of His instruction leads to the true blessing we all seek if we respond to it positively.  ...
  The Red Heifer and the Third Jewish Temple A few months back I had been listening to the news and heard on one broadcast commemorating the 100th day of the vicious and unwarranted brutal attack on Jewish families in Israel, Oct. 7th, that a Muslim speaker had at least in part, attributed the attack to Israel bringing in Red Heifers for a future purification sacrifice that would preceed the building of their third temple. To many, this just flew over their heads, but to those who are Christian "Watchers on the Wall" our ears perked up.  A couple years back, a rancher in Texas had sent five Red Heifer cattle to Israel after they were inspected by a team of Jewish rabbi's. These Red Heifer cattle had to be spotless and without any blemish to be considered for the Numbers 19 sacrifice, a sacrifice that religious Jews have been waiting for since the destruction of their 2nd temple in AD 70 at the hands of the Romans. This wait has been 1,954 years long. Imagine that.  Major...