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Showing posts from March, 2012

Escaping Judgment

We know that the mind is the place of spiritual battle. How is yours doing? Have you any room for the Good News of Jesus Christ or have you just left Him completely out? Has the cares of this life taken their toll? One day we will all stand before the Lord. It will either be at the "Judgment Seat of Christ" or the "Great White Throne Judgment". Both of these judgments will come. The question is "Are you ready?" Judgment Seat of Christ: The "Judgment seat of Christ"is a judgment for Believers in Christ only. It is here that the "Bride of Christ" will be clothed with the eternal rewards that God promises to all those who believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin and are subsequently clothed in His Righteousness, 2 Cor. 5:21. Rev. 19:7-8 tell us "Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready;  it was granted her to clothe herself wi...

Facing the Hell-Storm, Pt. 3

We must kneel in humility confessing our need of Jesus Could the Church Today Survive Nero? The times in which we live are full of uncertainties. In America the church is quickly becoming the laughing stock of the nation. It’s no secret that in today's Christian America our influence is severely waning. Our focus has become discombobulated as we look to ourselves first instead of Christ and His concerns. The Presidential election of 2008 saw millions of so-called Christians voting for a man that is for the butchering of unborn children. Why? The ones I know say they are pro-life, yet when confronted they said money is a greater issue. What? Money is greater than life? Wow! But they are not alone. Instead of listening to Jesus’ message of life and the value of life, choices are made quite often supporting the values of the enemy of life, Satan, even if inadvertently through silence.  Truly in this, “ we hate the full message of the gospel” world but we love the “everythi...