There are a lot of God's soldiers writing about how "good is evil" and "evil is good" and the failures of the humanistic approach to solving all the worlds ills, but honestly speaking, it is my observation that there are more and more of the general populace including Christians putting their heads in the sand. When you look at your neighborhood you see people cutting the grass, driving to work in the rush hour, frequenting the diners and restaurants, bars are filled, mall parking lots are filled, parents are shuttling their kids to school, school yards are full of laughing and running children, and super markets are crowded, birds are tweeting, butterflies are flapping, and bees are buzzing--all is well in peaceful and secure America. It just looks like life is normal and so many would prefer to just rest at ease there and not be reminded of all the works of darkness all around us. For instance, using the list above, how many realize that i...
...Only God's Truth Can Set You Free!!
Michael Henderson, Pastor/Writer