"Jesus really teaches you to hate people." I once saw this quoted online and I had to shake my head because of the ignorance, not in a condescending manner but in a mode of sadness. Like all quotes that similarly lambast Jesus and Christians, most of them are off the cuff and stated without real spiritual knowledge and wisdom of the Scripture. I can say this in sincerity because of the transformation that occurred in my own life, and because of the Scriptural precedent for it. I was as lost as lost can be and even running in a crowd that often blasphemed the Lord and ridiculed believers. But then one fateful day I needed help with life and I turned to Christ in prayer. Yes, I turned from my peers and to the One my peers mocked so viciously. He heard my cry and immediately took me from a pit of despair and set me on a mountaintop. Yes, this did happen and it happened dramatically. What occurred is what Jesus referred to as being "Born Again" of the Spirit (John...
...Only God's Truth Can Set You Free!!
Michael Henderson, Pastor/Writer