It was Charles Spurgeon who said, " Saints know that a grain of heart's-ease is of more value than a ton of gold ." The true saint of God knows that a day cannot pass, rather, must not pass, without giving thanks to the Father above and seeking Him for the orders of the day. For what can a saint really do that could carry an eternal weight of glory except it be done in obedience to the One who holds the day firmly in His grasp? Just as a river finds its source from the high mountains that feed the underwater springs so true peace can only flow through the channels of the heart if it is birthed from the high and lofty throne of heaven. Jesus said He came to bring an eternal peace but it was not a peace such as the world flaunts, but a peace which comes from above -- from the true and eternal fountain of peace (see John 14:27). The peace of the world is a counterfeit that leads the errant astray in all of its bling, yet it holds no eternal weight in the sight of God...
...Only God's Truth Can Set You Free!!
Michael Henderson, Pastor/Writer