Dear Teen, Don't Let This Be You In reference to the news release entitled, Massive Number of Teens in UK Having Multiple Abortions I have to wonder out loud whether we should be surprised. When I was stationed in Germany at Kitzingin, I worked at the base clinic. We were told up front that 94% of the girls between the ages of 14 and 24 years of age had some form of an STD. During this time the first Gulf War was in action and most of the troops were in the desert of Iraq. The families left behind made up most of the patients. But what I found to be astounding was the number of repeat visitors week after week who came in to get a shot of Penicillin. I would tell these young men that they needed to abstain from their sexually immoral lifestyle; it was going to get them into a lot of trouble. Their response in most cases was a cavalier lack of worry because all they needed to do was get another shot!! These men, soldiers, were buying wholesale into the lie and quick fix tha...
...Only God's Truth Can Set You Free!!
Michael Henderson, Pastor/Writer