I just wanted to jot down a simple thought for the day. Psalm 119:11 states, "Thy word I have hid in my heart that I might not sin against you." When I was a child one of the most dearest things my mother held to her heart was a very large family version of the Bible. Although I never remember her reading it, I am sure she did, the sacredness was more along the lines of it being a special book. I have always remembered her endearment to it and how that was passed down to me in some special way.
For this day, it would be good for all of us to take a few moments and consider the worth of the word, God's word in our own life. Do we cherish it? Is it really meaningful to us? What place does it hold in our heart?
Jesus stated that God's word would never pass away and come judgement day, it is by His word alone we either stand or we fall. Taking that into consideration, will you not consider how highly that book should be treasured? Many think that Christians are simply out to condemn and to make others conform to their standards. I am sorry if you feel that way. It is not our duty to condemn and never has been. But it is our duty to make people aware of what God has in store for us, both now and in eternity. God's word always has the final say!
"You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon You, because he trusts in You!" Isaiah 26:3
May God bring you the blessing of His word this day!
Bro. Mike