What! That could never happen where I am from! Really? Satan the arch enemy of God and of all true believers is still at work attacking and destroying the lives of innocent victims around the world. The victims can be found in both those who are hurt and those who do the hurting. Like most of you, I am sickened by the things I often see in the news, rapes, tortures, hunger, and murder around the world and our nation. In the days before mass communication these things occurred but we never heard of it unless it came locally. But with the rise of the "www" world we hear and we see it all. One way around it is to tune it out or never take the time to read or listen to the news. But even still, the destruction lives on, uncurtailed.
We live a sick, sick world. The last breath of life is "on the inhale" before Christ returns and the enemy is bound and determined to take as many down with him as is possible. Oh, what we would give, to see a great outpouring of God against all evil! That all darkness would be uncovered and exposed for what it is. That God would show Himself strong on behalf of the true believers and the innocents who are plagued by evil daily. Most of us would cry out alongside Isaiah:
Isaiah 6:5 (NKJV)
5 So I said: "Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The LORD of hosts."
5 So I said: "Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The LORD of hosts."
Admittedly, all of us would be seen for who we really are. I for one cannot wait till the days of Peace come when the Messiah Lord Jesus is among us in His glorious splendor at His second advent. This I know for sure, He will take the hurting, the plagued, and the innocent into His gracious arms with the love we all desire and simply say again, "It is finished." The injustice is over, now you can enjoy the life I have desired that all have a chance to experience, the life of peace and love.
Let us take some time today to pray for all those who are suffering in the world and around us this day and everyday after. Do not block out the cries of the hungry, the naked, and those who are suffering from injustice. Reach out to someone today and try your best to make their life more bearable. The Lord's return is nigh and the Church will be taken up soon in the glorious Rapture, but we also return after the calamities of this world are finally put to an end at the Word of the Lord Jesus. Then and only then, will the lion lay down with the lamb.
God Bless all who choose to believe in the preciousness of the Savior, Jesus!