To begin, I apologize to anyone who may have tried to comment on any recent articles but could not. That functionality has been fixed. Please feel free to comment. I will do my best to respond.
Here is something to comment on:
God is so good!!! Can anyone say AMEN to that???
Prayer RequestHere is a prayer request. Pray for the Public School children who will be attending the Powerlight Skate Night on Monday April 7th, in Springfield. Last month (March) there was nearly 400 children that attended. This coming April BMIC (Business Men In Christ) will be giving away to each child a booklet entitled, Why Christianity? Exploring 25 Reasons Why We Believe in God. As you know statistics tell us nearly 3 out of 5 young adults we are losing after age 15**, Atheists love this statistic. And as scary as it may seem, we know that God has already won the battle. All these kids need is a lot of prayer, support, love, and discipleship that matters. We all need to be doing our part in reaching today's youth!
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; (1 Peter 3:15 NKJV)
Pray that God will lead us to get this book into to as many hands as possible!
God Bless all.
Bro. Mike