How many times have we been broken before the Lord? And how many more times will we? I was thinking tonight about brokenness and what it really means. I have often heard that a person must be broken by God before they will come to know Jesus. But I have really found that in my life I can never really feel broken unless I first feel insufficient. A man can be brought into poverty in many ways and still not feel broken. The pride in a man’s heart is a mighty fortress that dares any to try and crush it. Pharaoh was one such man. He was brought to that place where a man can see his sheer poverty before the Lord yet as far as any knows, he died an unbroken man. Many a man and woman have lived a life of bold defiance before the face of God and never flinched despite their utter poverty. Yes, there is more to being broken before God than simply being brought low.
If I were given the opportunity before the world to describe in one word what being broken before God really is, I think it would have to be, insufficient. For really, it is only when I rationally come to my senses and agree with God that I am insufficient to save myself from all danger that I have come to that place of brokenness and I accept who I really am. To me at least, I believe, that agreeing with God’s Word on this one point is all I need to do in order to open myself up to His fountain of cleansing. If I can accept my sinfulness as being offensive to Him and others, than I can accept that His offer to cleanse me is real—He then becomes my Savior and offers me a way out of that place.
If I were given the opportunity before the world to describe in one word what being broken before God really is, I think it would have to be, insufficient. For really, it is only when I rationally come to my senses and agree with God that I am insufficient to save myself from all danger that I have come to that place of brokenness and I accept who I really am. To me at least, I believe, that agreeing with God’s Word on this one point is all I need to do in order to open myself up to His fountain of cleansing. If I can accept my sinfulness as being offensive to Him and others, than I can accept that His offer to cleanse me is real—He then becomes my Savior and offers me a way out of that place.
He then has come into the world to save us from ourselves.
Tonight, I agree with the Apostle Paul who said:
2 Corinthians 3:4-6 (NKJV)
And we have such trust through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
God Bless you all!
Bro, Mike