Proverbs 4:23 reminds us to, "Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the
issues of life." (NKJV)
I love the castle illustration that Charles Spurgeon used in his
sermon, "As Thy Days, So Shall Thy Strength Be." At one point in the
sermon he speaks of the crafty devil and how he knows the backdoor to a man’s
heart. In pointing out how some say they are able to walk a pure life without
sin, he clearly warns to be careful with that statement. He wrote:
"'Satan is very crafty;
he knows the ins and outs of manhood. There is many an old castle that has
stood against every attack, but at last some traitor from within has gone
without, and said "I know an old deserted passage, a subterranean back
way, that has not been used for many a-day. In such and such a field you will
see an opening; clear away a heap of stones there, and I will lead you down the
passage: you will then come to an old door, of which I have the key and I can
let you in; and so by a back way I can lead you into the very heart of the
citadel, which you may then easily capture." It is so with Satan. Man
knoweth not himself so well as Satan knows him. There are back ways and
subterranean passages into man's heart which the devil doth well understand.
and he who thinketh that he is safe, let him take heed lest he fall.'"
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The Mysterious Handwriting of God! |
The story reminded me of another passage of Scripture in
which a King reigning over Babylon was about to be destroyed in a similar way.
Daniel 5 records the story of the "Handwriting on the Wall." King
Belshazzar had disdained and profaned the Lord God by using captured Jewish
Temple Vessels as the cups for their drinking party to the false gods. The
Handwriting simply predicted the end of Belshazzar’s kingdom. But Belshazzar
was not worried; for the impregnable walls and nine gates to the city of
Babylon had for decades been able to thwart any onslaught of the enemy creating
a false sense of security for the King. Yet the night the mysterious
handwriting appeared, while Belshazzar was celebrating a feast to the moon God
"Sin,"** a chink was found in his armor. The Persian armies had
encamped around the city having stationed soldiers on the north and south sides
of the city. The river Euphrates, which ran through the center of the city, was
then diverted toward a nearby lake allowing the waters of the river to recede
low enough, for the soldiers to enter the city and take control. Just as the
Handwriting stated, that very night He was killed and lost his kingdom, Dan
5:30, 31.
The story aptly illustrates our need to always wear the whole armor of
God, Eph. 6:10-18. Out of our hearts
spring the issues of life. In this sense the word heart becomes synonymous with
our thought and mind, the battlefield on which spiritual struggles take place.
The enemy is keen, and so we must always be on guard. Christians who are
concerned with having a close relationship with God will make sure that they
live each day in an attitude of prayer--and that without ceasing--and a strong
study of the Word of God. Both of these things are necessary to receive the
strength and the empowerment of God through the Holy Spirit for ammunition on
this field of battle. It only takes one slip for the enemy to enter and wreak
havoc. Seasoned Christians know this all too well. Because of this we sound the
Oh how the Lord desires this close fellowship with us all. If we
realized in fullness the things that God has planned for each of us
individually, then surely we would take the pains to more diligent in drawing
closer to the Lord. Do not allow Satan a foothold, guard your heart diligently!
I Corinthians 10:12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands
take heed lest he fall.
God Bless
Bro. Mike
**For more Information, see, P. A. Beaulieu, The Reign of Nabonidus King of Babylon 556-539 B.C. (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1989), 219-232.