10 "Who among you fears the LORD? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness And has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD And rely upon his God. 11 Look, all you who kindle a fire, Who encircle yourselves with sparks: Walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks you have kindled-- This you shall have from My hand: You shall lie down in torment. Isaiah 50:10-11 (NKJV)
Just this past week I was very surprised to see the headline on the Christian Post, “Kids Need Both Mom and Dad, Says Gay Man Opposed to Gay Marriage.” * To be honest it is the first time I have ever read of a Gay man who admitted that children need both female and male role models. In a pop-culture where decisions concerning morality have been largely left up to the children this was a refreshing story. Sure, it is a one-off event but could it lead to more Gays and Lesbians realizing the truth? Let’s hope so. But even though we may agree with the admittedly Gay man and that it is a step in the right direction, morality without Christ is still woefully lacking and puts the responsibility for what is right and wrong into the hands of man without the authority of God backing it. This means decision making at the most critical times will be left up to the whim of the moment. That is where we get into trouble.
biggest influence on the life of a child is through his/her parents. We
watch dad in the shop doing things dads do or handling finances and
spending and doing what dad feels is best. We watch mom shopping and
making decisions on what she thinks is best for her and her family and
it is these influential moments that guide a child in the direction they
will travel in life. But mom and dad need a guide as well. Their
decisions in life were also influenced by what they saw their parent(s)
do. So the cycle continues. Fortunately some parents were raised by
Godly parents and were truly blessed with the wisdom that they gained
through the scripture and the Holy Spirit’s guidance. But if today’s
parents were influenced by the immorality of ungodly parents then they
will often allow this to snowball on down to their children.
society today is rife with generations of children who were raised by
parents who took up the philosophy of “Relativism” with the slogan,
“Carp Diem” which has strayed from its original meaning of “plucking the
day for what is ripe” to “live for the day doing what seems right in
your own eyes because you may never have another chance to do it.” The
issue is with the statement “right in your own eyes” and goes back to
the problem of morality without the authority of God. If you have no
rules in life except those that are self-imposed then your morality will
be tainted at best and disastrous at worst. It is a known fact that
when humanity is left to themselves they have never been able to get a
reign on defining true solid morality. This is why today there is a
rampage of drugs, alcoholism, sexual sins of all stripes, sex
trafficking, murder, hatred toward others, coldness in families, kids
choosing to “Live together” instead of marrying, and single mothers
raising many children with different fathers who are never around to
“Father” their own child or take responsibility. Sure these are deadbeat
dads, but there would have never been the need to coin that term if the
passing on of defined morality begotten through a relationship with
Jesus Christ had been seen as the most important responsibility a Parent
has to his or her child.
sins of the parents are weighing down on pop-culture. The first
generation of “relativism influenced” children have been running our
country, our businesses, and our educational institutions for some time and it is starting to take its toll. It is sad to
see so many ideals based upon wholesome and holy standards being crushed
and trampled before our very eyes. So sad that it hurts and grieves the
Spirit of God. But one thing that will never change is the fact that we
all must give account of ourselves before God, Rom. 14:12. Paul was not
mincing words when he spoke these things. And the saddest part of it
all is that the parents will be judged and found guilty for not passing
down God’s most precious gift, salvation and the way to receive it
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
There is time to change
is not too late to take the step forward in getting your life path
corrected. The Bible is clear that God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus
Christ into this world to save us from ourselves and our bad choices
called sin, John 3:16. It is also clear that it was never the intent of
the Father to bring condemnation to the world, John 3:17. But it was His
intent for us to believe by faith that Christ died for our sins, was
buried, and arose to heaven after three days just as the Scripture
declares, 1 Cor. 15:3-4. That has never changed and never will. The
Bible declares that our life is as a vapor or even as the morning dew
which appears then vanishes. While the dew is still on the vine why not
consider how much those two arms stretched wide upon that cross really
mean? Christ died to save sinners… not just a few but all of them. You
can turn to Him now and allow Him the reigns of your life through simply
confessing your weakness and sorrow for the sins of the past and
present, asking forgiveness, and making a commitment to God to live for
Him by asking Christ to take control of your life. In doing so you will
become a new creature with a new lease on life and one in which you can
now begin to rightly influence others.
*Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/kids-need-both-mom-and-dad-says-gay-man-opposed-to-gay-marriage-89018/#KrIFURRvCYVzvJcd.99