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The Frigidness of Lawlessness and Perverse Sin

But You, O God, shall bring them down to the pit of destruction; Bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; But I will trust in You (Psalm 55:23)

Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; 'For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation'  (Isaiah 12:2)

This past month has been and will continue to be a trying one for believers across the world. The war of senseless aggression ISIS is waging overseas has barraged us for months with images of savageness such as the world has not witnessed since Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, and Pol-Pot to name a few. City-wide genocides, and the mass persecutions of Christians through beheadings and other despicably atrocious means continues. In America the SBC annual meeting in Columbus, OH. called for spiritual awakening across the land as Christians stood in agreement that our world is heading for destruction. Then, as if what we have seen and heard in the way of bad news is not enough, a senseless killer goes into Emmanuel AME church in Charlotte, SC and murders nine innocent worshipers and the Supreme Court legalizes Same-Sex-Marriage!

Jesus said that in the last days, that persecutions, killings, and lawlessness would abound while the love of many would grow cold. My question is how much colder will it get?

Sin is very cold; downright frigid. There is no love nor life in things that deceive. The deception the world falls under is like a spell of witchcraft. Its trance causes the masses to believe all is well, that death will not come nigh them, and that there is no need of a Savior. Their love is cold because it cannot promote the warmth of heaven and the love of Jesus. Like the coldness of a corpse so deception cannot warm the soul.

Today our world is thriving on deceiving and being deceived. It is interesting that the Holy Spirit placed a passage of Scripture concerning persecution directly before He spoke of the deception of the final days that would be reigning (see 1 Tim 4:1ff). Read for yourself:

Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 
But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 
--(2 Tim. 3:12-13 NKJV)

It is as if He was telling us that to live in a godly manner would invite persecution, while the deception of the final days would continue unblushingly. These are the days of Sifting and Purging--the days of frigid deception and cold-hearted perverseness. They will not get any easier.
God is calling the church to wake-up! To listen to His word and to realize these things were prophesied to occur. Everyday the coming of Jesus for His own draws nearer. The time is now to turn to Jesus. Yes! Even in the face of hostility towards Him and the church we must turn!.

The word for the day to all believers is to "Stand Strong in the Lord!" This world is not our home, we are only passing through on the way to the glorious celestial city above. Our commission is now made more clear, preach the gospel in the hopes of saving some pulling from the fire (Jude 1:23). Go into the world in the midst of wolves and be as harmless as a dove. Share Jesus, but do it in truth.

The coldness and the frigid chill of lawlessness will one day pass as it gives way to the warmth of the heavenly rays of hope that stream forth in splendor from the throne of God. All who have taken to their bosom the name of Jesus Christ will be warmed by its never ending glow. Those who desire to live in the cold dampness of the dungeon of lawlessness and immorality will die a horrible death at their own choosing. How sad is that choice!

Remember these words for the DAY IS COMING when they are sure to come to pass!
And in that day you will say: "Praise the LORD, call upon His name; Declare His deeds among the peoples, Make mention that His name is exalted. Sing to the LORD, For He has done excellent things; This is known in all the earth. Cry out and shout, O inhabitant of Zion, For great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst!" (Isaiah 12:4-6) 

While your contemplating this blog, consider reading The Sifted Generation. This brand new book is so relevant to the days in which we live. May God open our eyes as the purging of the tares begins.


Unknown said…
Excellent posts on your blog Mike. I'd sure like to see these re-posted on RF. I have Google+ shared this one. Covering you in prayer this day as you have your book signing event.
Thank you Mary! Chris gets a copy of my posts and usually he posts them. If you do not see this one posted the maybe I can post it. I will be spending a lot of my time in the days ahead in prayer. Praying for God's blessing on us all.

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