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The Valley of Decision Time is Here?

He will Come With The Clouds To Get His Church!  

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. Joel 3:14

One thing I have begun to notice in the world of Christianity today is that some Christians are already tired of hearing about the assaults on our religious liberty. Many just wish it would go away. I can emphasize. It seems everywhere I turn I am seeing or hearing of some new hostility or act of rage against today's saints of Christ. In my book trailer I place heavy emphasis on what is coming:

Like the sound of the trumpet before and during a war I can relate to the prophecy of Jeremiah: Then I said, "Ah, Lord GOD! Surely You have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, Saying, 'You shall have peace,' Whereas the sword reaches to the heart" (Jeremiah 4:10 NKJV). Although some have thought this passage to mean Jeremiah was just repeating the sentiments of the people I tend to believe he was lamenting that God had allowed the nation and its leaders to fall prey to the deceptive prophecies of the false prophets they had cherry picked to serve them. These prophets had told the leaders everything would be Ok. But war was just about to consume their whole land...and it did (606-587 BC Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, destroyed the land).  It is so easy to be deceived and most people have a hard time walking away from deception because nobody likes to think it could happen to them. Do not be deceived!

One of Two Things on the Horizon
As much as I would like to see everything back to a semblance of normalcy in our country and the world I know that if it were to be so it would take time--a lot of time.  I know that sounds defeatist--even like a lack of faith--but let it not be so. There is one of two things that are going to happen. Either we will soon experience the return of the Lord Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven and all of God's saints will be raptured into the celestial regions, to meet Him at the Bema Seat judgment, where we will give an account of our faithfulness to Him, or God will bring a revival to the world that will see countless souls come in repentance and humility at the feet of the Savior jesus Christ. What one believes depends upon how one perceives the signs of the times in which we live compared to the revelation of the Scriptures. So spend a moment and take a look at the following then ask yourself: Is all that is happening just coincidence?

The 44 noted signs below (originally at RF) are not exhaustive in anyway:**

  1. The Gospel will be preached in all the world before the physical return of Jesus Christ to the earth occurs at Armageddon, although exhaustive efforts are presently underway to accomplish this: Matthew 24:14
  2. There will be a mixture of believers and false believers within the Church body: Matthew 13:24-30
  3. There will be scoffers: 2 Peter 3:3-4
  4. Humanity will be able to cross the globe rapidly and science will be advancing: Daniel 12:4
  5. Perilous times will come for mankind: 2 Timothy 3:1
  6. Mankind will deny God once flooded the earth: 2 Peter 3:5-6
  7. The earth will be swimming in a sea of violence:Genesis 6:11:
  8. There will be warfare all over the globe: Mark 13:8
  9. Mankind will have the capability to destroy all life on the planet: Matthew 24: 22
  10. Deadly diseases will be rampant: Matthew 24:7
  11. Famines will be common: Matthew 24:7
  12. Earthquakes will be occurring globally: Matthew 24:7
  13. There will be violent weather: Luke 21:25
  14. Children will be disobedient and rebellious: 2 Timothy 3:2
  15. Christians and Jews will be hated for their faith in and connection with Christ: Luke 21:17
  16. Mankind will be in a state of moral, spiritual decay: 2 Timothy 3:2-5
  17. Religious cults will flourish: 2 Peter 2:1
  18. There will be progress made toward a global government: Daniel 7: 23, Daniel 9:26.
  19. The world will be desperately seeking peace: 1 Thessalonians 5:3
  20. Global means of communication will exist: Revelation 11:9
  21. In the last days, fallen angels will mingle with mankind: Luke 17:26; Genesis 6:4, Genesis 6:9.
  22. Israel will exist as a nation in the latter days: Ezekiel 37:1-14
  23. Israel's birth as a nation will have happened in one day: Isaiah 66:8
  24. Israel will be in possession of Jerusalem (has been since 1967): Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15.
  25. Israel will be surrounded on every side by enemies: Psalms 83:4
  26. The possession of Jerusalem will be the source of international conflict: Zechariah 12:3
  27. Christians will be lukewarm in their faith: Revelation 3:15
  28. Many will claim to be Christ: Matthew 24:5
  29. False Christs and false prophets will be very effective in the art of deception: Matthew 24:24
  30. There will be signs in the heavens: Luke 21:25
  31. Mockers will abound because those who live according to their own desires love to mock those who try to live theirs in a manner pleasing to God: Jude 1:18
  32. Idolatry will be common: Revelation 9:20
  33. Many Christians and church doctrines will depart from the faith: 1 Timothy 4:1
  34. Mankind's state of rebellion will be so great, the coming of Christ will catch them completely off-guard: Luke 21:35
  35. Homosexuality will be flaunted: Leviticus 20:13, Luke 17:28- 30, [Romans 1:21-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9]
  36. Many will rejoice in their unrighteousness: 2 Thessalonians 2:12, 2 Thessalonians 2:11
  37. Aliyah will be taking place: What is Aliyah? Aliyah is the Hebrew word used to describe the physical return of the Jewish people, the children of Israel, to their ancient Promised Land, Zion, from abroad. Ezekiel 36:24
  38. There will be signs Earth's environment is in trouble: Romans 8:21-23
  39. Technology will exist capable of tracking the world's population, finances. Revelation 13:16-17
  40. The capability will exist for an army of 200 million soldiers to be formed: Revelation 9:16
  41. Drug use will be rampant: Revelation 9:21
  42. Evil men, seducers and deceivers will get worse and worse: 2 Timothy 3:13
  43. There will be wars and rumors of war: Matthew 24:6
  44. When we begin to collectively see the signs listed above, Christ's return is near! Luke 21:28
If you made it this far you are at a point of either believing or disbelieving where the world is at from a biblical perspective. My Bible and the Spirit of God is telling me we are on the threshold of the return of Christ. I hope you see that as well. It is time to get your house in order. Seek Jesus now.

Here is how: 
Please listen to the Word’s of Jesus! He calls out to you and simply invites you to heaven, to partake of the future blessings of eternity. Today He is still calling and the door to the Ark is wide open. What hinders you from believing? Jesus died upon that cross as a substitute for your sin. He took upon Himself the punishment and judgment of your sin, 2 Cor. 5:21. He extends His nail-scarred hands asking you to take upon yourself His righteousness in exchange for your sin. The offer is incredible!! Who else can make that offer? Can the world save you? Can the world clothe you with a righteousness that satisfies the Father? …Of course not. All it can offer is oppression, rape, murder, lies, thefts, and unholy behavior, none of which will be in heaven.
Listen to His offer in Mt. 11:28-29

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
And again in Romans 10:8-10:

But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith which we preach):
that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame."

Forget what the world says in all of its empty philosophy and arguments. It is passing away. But Jesus, and His heaven, will be around forever!

God Bless, Pastor Mike

** The signs listed above were compiled Mickey G. Mickey and can be found at Rapture Forums by clicking here: hiscoming.cfm


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