Across the nation and around the world the headlines of news outlets are
replete with acts of hatred toward mankind. Murders, thefts, injustice and
downright meanness are all too often what we read about. But why—why is there
so much hatred? Being a small fish in a large pond it is easy to see these
situations as something too far beyond our ability to make a difference. Instead,
what often follows is a turning inward toward oneself and on one’s own life
while leaving others alone to live out theirs. We see this in the statement of
escape, “To each his own.” But is this the correct attitude to have? Should we
just “Live and let others live?”
I think the
question is really a deeper one than we may think and is very much dependent on
how we have been raised and where we have chosen to stick our noses in the “garbage
in and garbage out” process of learning. As with all process there must be a
starting point—a beginning where thoughts are shaped and emotions are melded.
Maybe it begins with understanding what it is that has played the largest part
in shaping our moral and ethic? Because in reality, it is there that our thoughts
begin to take root eventually forming who we are.
As a child I
grew up in a small town that was somewhat isolated from the world around us. Even
more so, my family was isolated; not because of geographical circumstance but
more so by choice. My father was an alcoholic. We had one car and I had four
siblings. Since he never got home till after dark we were often stuck in our
own little world. Oh, I had had fun doing the things that boys do, fishing,
playing ball, riding bikes, teasing my sister etc…, but what I missed out on most
was the fun and activities that the other kids at school would share; things like
going to the movies or going out to eat or going on trips to visit distant
relatives, Disneyworld vacations and the like. This isolation did have an effect on
instilling within me the idea that only a few fortunate individuals enjoyed those
amenities—most others were like me; at least that is what I told myself. I
figured when I got older I would get to enjoy them as well. But something else
occupied my thoughts more than pleasure and entertainment and that was the
emptiness of feeling unloved by others. The dichotomy between hatred and love—between
belittling or defaming and accepting others was the elephant in my small room. I
did not understand childish hatred because I was never hated at home. My mother’s
love and sibling acceptance was enough to sustain me for the moment. However,
since I could not relate to the adventures of the fortunate few who often
boasted of the amenities they enjoyed I immediately stuck out as the proverbial
“sore thumb” becoming the recipient of their sneers and jeers. Honestly, I wondered
if they knew how much it hurt.
It was those
very circumstances that God used to show me how to love. The emotions that
drove me mad from the ridicule and being the target of their jokes induced
within me a strong desire to be different. To me their attitudes were
ugly-unattractive and dark. I knew then that it was not what I wanted to be.
When the time came one hot summer for Vacation Bible School I finally found
what true love really was, I found out that I was not alone in the world and
that there is a God who cares. His name is Jesus Christ. What other religion in
this world can boast of one who suffered a cruel death on our behalf and then
defeated our greatest enemy, death—all to ensure the availability of eternal
life for all mankind? (see 2 Tim. 1:10) What other religion can say they serve
a God who intercedes for them from the throne of heaven, ensuring their peace
and security, twenty-four hours a day? (see Heb. 7:25) What other religion can
boast of their god being the Creator of all things in heaven and earth, the Redeemer
of all of mankind, the Lover of all people of all races, the Provider of all
things present and all things future and Giver of the treasure of His life—eternal
life? There is none. Yet even though that is just a sampling of who Jesus is,
comprehending those attributes is almost beyond our human ability. Truly, only “Love”
could bring about such things.
I believe it
is time that all of mankind drop their guards. If you were raised in a hateful
environment it does not mean you have to be hateful. If you have been
mistreated you do not have to turn and mistreat others. But I realize we cannot
change ourselves. But there is one who can—Jesus. He suffered more torture against
Himself than any of us will in our lifetimes. But He did not have too. Even He
said Himself that He could call down 12 legions of Angels to deliver Him from
death. (see Mt. 26:53) But He didn’t. He
endured the cross, despising the shame and sat down at the right-hand of God (Heb.
12:2) and for what? For you! He saw you and He said I must endure this cross. I
must in order to bring hope and life to this broken flesh-driven world. So he
So again I ask,
“Why must this world be driven by so much hatred?” If Christ gives us an
example of how true love is supposed to be lived out, i.e., sacrifice—putting others
first, drawing close instead of pushing away, seeing value in others instead of
condescension, loving not hating, etc… why is the world so apt to shun His love?
The answer is simple, control and accountability. People want to control their
own lives and actions. Even though not all of mankind is as wicked as the physical
murderer down the street, there have been times in our own hearts when murder
has been committed spiritually through deep seated hatred. Jesus was clear that
even hate towards another constitutes murder in your heart (see 1 John 3:15, Mt.
This and so
many other sins place us under the rod of the Holy, righteous and just judgment
of God. But the Love of Christ is so deep—so wide, that He is willing to wash
all of our sins away if we will only believe and trust in Him as our Lord and
Savior. His life for yours is the message of the gospel. His love is a love
that transcends all sinfulness and iniquity. Like Paul the Apostle I state unashamedly
this day:
Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin. Romans 7:24-25 (ESV)
Oh sinner
like me, sit-up and listen to the still-small voice of God as He whispers your
name. How awesome is the everlasting love of God!!
John 3:3, 16,
17 –Your life His Treasure
God bless
Bro. Mike