As revealed by Todd Starnes and as foretold in The Sifted Generation, Kentucky Prison chaplains have been ordered to quit telling the truth, according to God's word, that homosexuality is sin. According to the report on Fox News:
"It wasn’t so much a choice as it was a demand.
Chaplain David Wells was told he could either sign a state-mandated document promising to never tell inmates that homosexuality is “sinful” or else the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice would revoke his credentials.
“We could not sign that paper,” Chaplain Wells told me in a telephone call from his home in Kentucky. “It broke my heart.”
The Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice revoked his volunteer credentials as an ordained minister – ending 13 years of ministry to underage inmates at the Warren County Regional Juvenile Detention Center.
Wells said that every volunteer in their church received the letter – as did a Baptist church in a nearby community."1
The writing is indeed on the wall. This is just one of many different types of hostility that abounds in our current generation. Over the past year I documented many others in my book The Sifted Generation. See image below: Click Image below to Enlarge
The sifting of the Church is indeed in full swing. Because of the nature of Faith in God and wholehearted trust in Jesus Christ, and the fact that He gave His life completely for us, you can expect to see more of others giving their lives completely for Him!
For a more detailed examination of what is about to come on the true church of the Lord in the days preceding the seven year tribulation, see:
This book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Thomas Nelson - WestBow Press, and your favorite online bookstore.
Book Trailer Click Here
1 - Starnes, Todd, The Christian purge has begun: Chaplains banned from preaching that homosexuality is a sin accessed 08/11/2015 (emphasis mine)
Chaplain David Wells was told he could either sign a state-mandated document promising to never tell inmates that homosexuality is “sinful” or else the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice would revoke his credentials.
“We could not sign that paper,” Chaplain Wells told me in a telephone call from his home in Kentucky. “It broke my heart.”
The Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice revoked his volunteer credentials as an ordained minister – ending 13 years of ministry to underage inmates at the Warren County Regional Juvenile Detention Center.
Chaplain David Wells was told he could either sign a state-mandated document promising to never tell inmates that homosexuality is “sinful” or else the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice would revoke his credentials.“We sincerely appreciate your years of service and dedication to the youth served by this facility,” wrote Superintendent Gene Wade in a letter to Wells. “However, due to your decision, based on your religious convictions, that you cannot comply with the requirements outlined in DJJ Policy 912, Section IV, Paragraph H, regarding the treatment of LGBTQI youth, I must terminate your involvement as a religious volunteer.”
Wells said that every volunteer in their church received the letter – as did a Baptist church in a nearby community."1
The writing is indeed on the wall. This is just one of many different types of hostility that abounds in our current generation. Over the past year I documented many others in my book The Sifted Generation. See image below: Click Image below to Enlarge
The sifting of the Church is indeed in full swing. Because of the nature of Faith in God and wholehearted trust in Jesus Christ, and the fact that He gave His life completely for us, you can expect to see more of others giving their lives completely for Him!
The hours of testing our faith are here!
Do not drift away! (Heb. 2:1) Hold fast your confidence! (Heb. 10:35)
For a more detailed examination of what is about to come on the true church of the Lord in the days preceding the seven year tribulation, see:
When Jesus Calls us to the clouds above (1 Thess. 4:13-18)
will you be ready?
This book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Thomas Nelson - WestBow Press, and your favorite online bookstore.
Book Trailer Click Here
1 - Starnes, Todd, The Christian purge has begun: Chaplains banned from preaching that homosexuality is a sin accessed 08/11/2015 (emphasis mine)