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Immorality Piling the End of the Church Age Approaches!

It is no secret that Planned Parenthood has been carrying out vicious acts against the innocent born and unborn in their clinics. The recent appalling videos, and more to come, are proof positive of their mortifying actions--regardless of the spin the leadership of PP is pushing. On Aug. 5th, Janet Parshall interviewed Abby Brannam-Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director, during hour 2 of her show, In The Market.

You can listen to it here: Planned Parenthood

Abby holds nothing back. She tells the world exactly what is told to the women who come into the clinic and even speaks of the incentives offered to PP employees for getting more abortions for their baby limb and organ peddling operations.

To add to the outrage, even a select group of clergy members on the
Planned Parenthood Clergy Advocacy Board give there kudos to the ongoing work of the clinics calling it God's work!! It is literally a work of the Enemy! Mark Dooley from The Institution on Religion and Democracy exposes them with the following statement:

“These clergy outrageously claim God’s endorsement of Planned Parenthood but avoid mention of abortion or trafficking in baby parts, a seeming acknowledgement of the unsavory nature of Planned Parenthood’s grisly work.

Every denomination these clergy represent unsurprisingly has rapidly declining numbers.1

Clergy and churches should defend the vulnerable, not excuse their destruction. By embracing Planned Parenthood, these clergy serve an amoral deity of their own design, not a loving and just Heavenly Father.”2

Honestly, the actions of the PP Clergy Board are horrendous! They are a perfect picture of what Jesus referred to as "the tares" which are in our churches to be uprooted at the end of the church age. Here is a message to all who believe the actions of PP are moral, remember this, all of us will give an account of ourselves to God, (cf. Heb. 9:27). Everything done in secret will be exposed and every unrepentant soul soul will stand guilty as judged, (cf. Luke 8:17; Mark 4:22). Also, the Bible teaches there is a stiffer penalty to those who are teachers of congregations, (cf. James 3:1). Shame on you! You are a disgrace to the office you hold! It is time to repent, and seek forgiveness from Christ--to renounce your actions and plead for God's forgiveness. You are leading many into the way of destruction and your judgment looms!

These actions by PP, in my opinion, are no more barbaric that those of ISIS! Both wield the sword and both dismember the victims. America wake up!! God's judgment will come and it will come swiftly.

Not only is our courts upholding the murder of the innocent, denouncing the God ordained covenant of marriage between one man and one woman, and sanctioning immorality; they are defending PP as a moral organization by continuing to fund them to the tune of $500,000,000.00 in tax payer funds. Yes, I realize their excuse is the other services they provide - but the actions of most of those in prison are not all evil either! Yet for one or a few bad actions, they are repaying society for their deeds.

Whose fault is it?
For too many years we have allowed the sin of murder, and now the selling of baby parts, to go unhindered. Election after election we have put politicians in office for reasons other than that of protecting the unborn. Don't we realize that Jesus loves the little children? He once said, "Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 18:10). Jesus had a strong love for all people, young and old. The Bible is clear, it teaches that God will not hold those who have rejected Him as innocent. Truly this word is coming to pass now as it did in the days of old:
    "For My people are foolish,
    They have not known Me.
    They are silly children,
    And they have no understanding.
    They are wise to do evil,
    But to do good they have no knowledge" (Jer. 4:22).

Our nation has wicked leaders because the people are electing those with the same values as they. The politicians are a mirror image of the electors. That is a sad page in our history. May God have mercy.

The Time For America To Repent Is Now!
One of the things that we humans have a hard time understanding is the depth of the love of God. The Bible teaches that even if the most hellish of sin is in our past Jesus can still forgive and wipe our slates clean. "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool" (Isaiah 1:18). "But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more" (Romans 5:20b). 

You see God loves all people. But we must first understand the errors of our way. We must reckon that we have sinned against Him before we can receive forgiveness from Him. It is also high time that we quit condoning the sin of others just because we are not doing it ourselves. We have to rise above the culture and lay our lives at the feet of Jesus. We must plead with Him concerning our sin and ask Him to forgive and to change us by His power. We must forget about what others think and count the blood of Jesus shed on the cross--His life and what it stands for--of much more value than any other thing. 

Jesus said, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Do you know of any better eternal offer for the cleansing of sin??

Our world is getting more wicked by the day. Immorality upon immorality is piling up. Count my words as truth, unless there is wholesale repentance in America, she is going to fall. And woe to all who are in her when it happens. 


1 - The Advocacy Board includes 14 clergy from the United Church of Christ, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Episcopal Church and American Baptist Churches as well as from Reformed Jewish and Unitarian Universalist congregations. Advocacy Board Abortion letter to women undergoing abortion!

2 - accessed Aug 6th. 215


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