I absolutely loved John Stonestreet’s commentary A Private Little
Faith, Oct. 10th 2012, at Breakpoint.org1.
Concerning the new Pew Survey on Religion,
he spoke of the group who have no religion at all as The Nones and those who say they are believers in Christ but have
zero church affiliation as the Just-Me-and-Jesus
crowd. This research revelation has been coming for years. However it may be
surprising to many because the majority of Christians do not share their faith…
so how would they know? According to the August 15th article in the Christian Post titled, Churchgoers Say Sharing Faith Essential,
Many Never Do, a Lifeway Research poll indicated that only 25% of
Christians have shared their faith in the past 6 months!2 That is
one out of four people. So the majority of believers do nothing with the gospel
except sit on it. Is it any wonder there is a big deal being made about the Pew
research poll?
But I am
digressing, the point I want to discuss is the two groups in the title, the Nones and the Me, Myself, and Jesus crowds. For years I have heard the excuse
from both of these groups that I do not need the church; I do not need other
Christians in my life. The Nones are those who do not think much about an
afterlife. When they do they come up with a myriad of excuses as to why they
either do not believe in one or they hold to the concept of annihilation; the
belief that when one dies they completely die—body, soul, and spirit. No
judgment, no hell, no nothing—it’s as if they never existed. The Me, Myself,
and Jesus crowd believe they have Jesus figured out. In their arrogance they
build themselves up to actually believe they can impose upon God their own
system of morality and worldview. They believe that their customized Jesus and customized
heaven is the same as the Jesus of the Bible and that He is obligated to
oblige their belief. In both cases we have what the Scripture calls idolatry or the
worship of something other than or above and before the God of the Bible. The first
commandment written in the Bible states, “You shall have no other gods before
me,” Exodus. 20:3, Deut. 5:7. In this case they worship their intellect or
their self—what they conjure up in their own imagination about God and believe to be truth. So upon this floating island of self that moves wherever
they move they have perfectly enshrined themselves as a god. The creation has
triumphed over the authoritative Creator—the creation has made its Creator subservient to
them! But again, I digress. Scripturally speaking, I have already judged these
groups as desperately lacking knowledge of the Scripture therefore destitute of
what the Bible clearly reveals about Truth, God, Heaven and who Jesus is—men and
women sliding headlong into Hell’s fury. It is clear in Scripture that this is the attitude that unbelievers
possess, “What is revealed is
God's anger from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who
in their wickedness keep suppressing the truth;” Rom 1:18 CJB (Complete Jewish Bible). The
Nones by their own admission do not submit to the Scripture but the Me, Myself,
and Jesus crowd are the ones who are even more deceived. They have either
conjured their Jesus from a scant knowledge of Scripture or the word-on-the-street—the
street Jesus; the Jesus the world wants not the Jesus the Bible reveals.
In the 21st century evangelism
will have to take a new direction. We cannot rely on past seed plantings ready
for the water of the word that God may give growth, 1 Cor. 3:6. No, in the 21st
century evangelism will have to start with pioneer work. We will have to plow
the ground and plant the seeds. We will need to study up on 1st
century evangelistic technique and begin again to model the work of the harvest
after the original pioneers of the faith. Persecution? Yes. Hard work? Yes.
One-on-one mentoring and teaching? Yes. Private meetings? Yes. Never giving up?
Yes again. True believers know that to follow Christ means above all, taking Luke
9:23 to heart; “Then He
said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself,
and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Following Jesus
means hearing Jesus’ words; which means reading what He has revealed in
Scripture about Himself, and adhering to it in full submission. Making our own
Jesus, our own Heaven, and our own God will never lift our soul one millimeter off
this earth when we die. But it is a surefire way to sink it into the abode of
the fallen angels. May God in His grace open their eyes and soften their
hearts; May He by His Spirit call them to Him and may we by the conviction, direction
and empowerment of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit intentionally take the gospel
to them.
God Bless!
1 – Accessed
Oct. 10th, 2012. http://www.breakpoint.org/bpcommentaries/entry/13/20506
2 - Accessed
Oct. 10th, 2012. http://www.christianpost.com/news/study-churchgoers-say-sharing-faith-essential-many-never-do-80020
The problem is- how many people sitting in churches these days are the "nones"!!! Sad, bro...so sad...let's kick it up a notch...week after week! WOOHOO!!
Praise God